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Jason Barry:交大英语系的诗人外教

发布时间:2017-11-14     点击量:      来源:

走在交大兴庆校区,也许你会看到一位戴着贝雷帽、穿着考究西服的外国青年匆匆走过的身影。上过美国文学课的外国语学院英语系学生,都会认识这位有“诗人”气质的青年——他的全名是Jason Barry,是西安交通大学英语系的外籍教师。


近日,Jason老师的两首诗作发表于美国的The Cortland Review,下面是截图,随后是他这两首诗的全文。

为了让大家更清楚地看到Jason老师的简介,以及他简介中提到的 “仙交大” Xi’an Jiaotong Univeristy, 最后小编把他的照片和简介稍微放大了一些。



Perhaps this is the way it ought to be,

The coastal light is tame and beautiful.

A wave of silence spreads across the sea

Beneath the two-tone plumage of a gull.

If what we are is bone and memory,

And sensory is synonym for soul—

I wonder what will then become of me,

When slate-white feathers wash up in the lull.

When slate-white feathers wash up in the lull,

I wonder what will then become of me.

Is sensory a synonym for soul,

If what we are is bone and memory?

Beneath the two-tone plumage of a gull,

A wave of silence spreads across the sea.

The coastal light is tame and beautiful,

Perhaps this is the way it ought to be.

The Departure

The night we heard her say it it was late,

was after Christmas dinner, after drinks

were served and all the gifts were opened up.

We sat and watched the fire for a while,

sipping wine in silence as it flickered.

When everyone had said goodbye and gone,

a storm blew in and covered up the road.

This year, the fire burns again but she

is gone. The children play out in the yard,

and grownups shift around in leather chairs,

their glasses empty on the wooden shelf.

A year ago she said that she would go.

The time she mentioned Heaven it was late,

the swaying pine trees caked in frozen snow.

(供稿 杜丽霞 邹敏)


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